Monday, October 3, 2011

Healthy Aquarium Tips - avoid diseases smartly

Your fish can get sick, if your tank is infected which is also responsible for many diseases.

Steps to keep them disease free -

(1) poor water quality - not overcrowding your tank and keeping a regular maintenance schedule is a must.

(2) If disease does break out, doing a water change and treating the water for the particular disease is the best way to nip it in the bud.

Neglecting the appropriate tank maintenance and partial water changes will allow toxins to build up in the water, basically polluting your fish's environment.

As the water becomes more toxic your fish become more "stressed", the more stressed your fish becomes the easier it is for the micro organisms present in your aquarium water to infect your fish with various diseases.

Tropical fish don't react the same way to stress as people do, but there are some tell tale signs you can be on the look out for.

(1) fish rubbing themselves against the gravel or aquarium decor
(2) fish hiding in the corner or under plants or rocks all the time
(3) fish bobbing around with their fins close to they body and any growths or white fuzzy spots are some of the things that indicate aquarium disease.

The more fish you have the more waste they create and if the filtration cannot handle the waste you end up with toxins in the water that can

accumulate to dangerous levels over time. The larger the tank, the more fish you can have.

Since poor water quality is the greatest case of fish disease and death you'll want to be diligent about your tank maintenance and partial water

changes. Also, make sure to test the PH and nitrite / nitrate levels and adjust the tank accordingly. This is quite easy and there are test kits made for testing as well as adjusting the water.